Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Again, this is easier to update with pictures than it is to write a super long post. We took the kids to Disneyland in January with a GIANT group of people. My parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins. I think there were 15 adults and 6 kids. There were seriously no lines and we walked onto almost every single ride the entire 3 days we were there.


Christmas was so much fun this year. The boys are old enough to get excited about it and we were able to go all out for them. It was also special because all of my family from Arizona were able to be here, along with Ryan's dad and step-mom. So we got to spend so much time with so many different family members and it doesn't get better than that. Sorry for the picture overload...easiest way to share. :) and I unfortunately didn't get any pictures while we were with Ryan's family because we were so busy with his step-brothers wedding, but we had a great time with them too.

 The day after Christmas we were able to do a gender ultrasound to find out what our little peanut was and...

 We are more than excited to add a little girl to our home and can not wait to meet her.       

After Christmas we had a very chill New Years Eve. We took the boys to a movie with my parents, and played Go Fish with Hayden until he fell asleep. I love little moments like that with my kids and family. Things might not be as exciting all the time, but every minute means so much to me.

Busy busy busy

Life has been crazy since my last post. (that's my excuse for not updating ever.)

Ryan and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary in a different way this year. We were out running the RAGNAR Relay in Las Vegas.

It was a crazy experience and I was so happy to be able to share it with Ryan. This was my first big run I've done and had a great time. Looking forward to doing another one in the future.
About 6 weeks before the run we found out that I was expecting our 3rd baby. That made it a little more exhausting than I think it would've been, but still had a great time.

We spent Thanksgiving in St. George with Ryan's mom. It was a really fun weekend with friends and family. It's so fun now that all the kids are getting a little older and can play with each other. It was a mad house at times with 6 kids under the age of 5, but we had a great time. I didn't take very many pictures, but these were the few I got one night at the park.

Ryan had to leave the day after Thanksgiving on a business trip to the Philippines and Thailand. He was gone for a week and I missed him terribly, but I am so thankful at the same time that he has these opportunities to learn and grow at his company.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Here we go again...

So, basically I am terrible at keeping up with a blog, but I really want to try again.

I am just going to do a picture update for this first post. So here you go....

Kipton turned 2. Hayden learned to ride a bike without training wheels and turned 5. Ryan decided he loves to run. I gained 2 new nieces, up to 4 now. :) Oh and we got a dog. Her name is Onyx. She is a black lab, 12 weeks old when we got her. She is now 5 1/2 months.